Here are some things that might help ease your grief:
- Write your loved one a letter expressing what you want to say.
- Don’t compare yourself with others bereaved.
- Ask for and accept help.
- Feel free to protest the ‘why’ of death.
- Accept your feelings.
- Be patient with yourself. Let yourself feel the pain.
- Take time to laugh and cry and be kind to yourself.
- Try not to make life-changing decisions during the first year.
For additional help and suggestions: provides additional information and support, local services and suggested reading material.
If you are struggling to cope with the loss of a loved one or simply want to talk to someone, we can help. Visit our team page here to read about our mental health professionals, call us at 076 680 1060 or email to get your first appointment within 72 hours, alternatively you can use the feedback forms to get in touch with us or you can use the e-mymind message forum to contact us.